Profile of Department

Das Team des Fachgebiets für Tiergenetik und Züchtung

The Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding (460g) works on the genetic dissection of quantitative traits in livestock species, mainly traits related to robustness, efficiency and animal health and welfare. Further, novel selection methods are developed that improves these traits and conserves the genetic diversity within and across populations.

The research philosophy follows the Flint-Wolliams-concept of sustainable breeding (Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B., 363:573-590, 2008). Innovative quantitative-genetic and molecular genetic methods are used and combined in interdisciplinary projects with methods of other animal science disciplines.


Support services for Ukrainian scientists

Ukrainian scientists on any level (Master and PhD students, PostDocs and higher levels) in the field of livestock quantitative genetics, genomics and breeding who need support in continuing their research are welcome to contact directly Jörn Bennewitz via Email. Support may include hosting in our team with on-site support, distant supervision of young scientists using online communication platforms, or singular consultations. Unfortunately, neither financial issues nor accommodation is included in the support.

Our department offers Lectures in Agricultural Sciences and Agricultural Biology in the area of Quantitative Genetics, Molecular Genetics and Animal Breeding.

Our department is a member of HoLMiR (Hohenheim Center for Livestock Microbiome Research) and was centrally involved in its conception.